Advanced Invoice Options

Filter Invoices

Estimated reading: 1 minute 199 views

Use Invoice filters to quickly group Invoices by Status, Year, Sale Agent and Payment Modes.

  1. Click Sales → Invoices menu located on the sidebar menu (left-hand side of the screen).
    You can also use a shortcut menu. Just click 10 Dashboard 3 35 eye symbol under the Invoices shortcut.
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  2. Click Screenshot .Uk 2022.08.27 13 39 54 1 Filter button, and select filter options.
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  3. Filtered Invoices will be displayed on the table list below.
    To show all filtered Invoices on one page, change Display Number to All.|
    Screenshot .Uk 2022.08.27 13 43 56 1024X490 2
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Professional, affordable, and feature-rich Invoicing software for Workshops and Car Garages - making management simple and efficient.